Monday, August 17, 2015

Letter of Request to Officials for Living in Tiny Homes

A Letter of Request

Dear Palm Beach, Broward and Miami-Dade Counties and the Cities and Towns Therein,

We request that you allow us, your citizens and taxpayers who work and live in the places we love, to live our dream of home ownership and dwelling in a less traditional way. Due to econonmic hardship, caused for a variety of reasons, we are unable and/or unwilling to qualify for or acquire 15-30 years of indebtedness that is required to own a traditional 1000 or more square foot home. We desire an alternative to this scenario and present our request for your consideration. We ask that you allow us to purchase or build homes under 500 square feet that are either on foundation or on wheels within urban and residential areas. We would like to build pocket communities, rent spaces provided by folks on their property or have the ability to purchase land and build a home on foundation under 500 square feet. We are not planning to live in unsafe structures. We will follow structural building codes in our area. We want our homes to be strong,  durable and insurable. We don't want more than is necessary to live responsibly and sustainably. We want to be free to save and spend our hard earned money on our children(s) educations, vacations we earn and need, to invest in our futures and local businesses and to be free to build businesses that will bring revenue through taxes paid. Yes, this means variances need to be approved and that zoning and coding laws that are outdated and restrictive need to be rewritten. We want to live in tiny homes. It is a trend that is growing as each day passes. Social media and televised media overwhelmingly publish this fact. A website, a Facebook page and Facebook group that I co-organize reflect this through likes, joins and visits. The requests for resources and places where they can live are significant and growing daily.

Will you grow with us? As citizens who reside, vote, work and pay taxes here, will you partner and cooperate with us in this evolution in how we live? We thank you for your time and your support.


Elizabeth Mills and fellow Tiny Home Dreamers

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

What's Your Tiny Home Dream?

My dream is to live in a home on foundation with a total square footage of less than 500. I want to live in a pocket community that focuses on social connection, eco-sustainability, renewable energy sources and gardening. Having my own space is important even though I love connecting with others! Life is rich when we simply share and converse with others. We learn about other cultures and are able to build bridges through the things we have in common, such as food!

In my search for eco-friendly and green building materials and builders, I have come across both a manufacturer here in Florida and a builder in my area that work together. I am very excited about this and will begin a search for a place to build this community!

What is your dream? Maybe you want to live in a tiny home on wheels and be free to travel. Or perhaps you're more into the modern/industrial style and prefer a container home. Whatever your dream is, we want to partner with you in bringing this into reality through resources, promotion and working to amend and change current outdated building and zoning codes. The truth is that we need you. This is not only our dream we're working for, but yours as well. Please attend our meetups and join our Facebook group.

5 Tiny Homes you can Purchase right Now!!!

Do you know how much is a Tiny Home?  This link will give you an idea!!  Purchase a Tiny Home   The Traveler  Please read th...