Monday, February 10, 2014

Tips on How to Eliminate Waste

Everyday, mountains of used plastic consumer products and packaging
head to landfills, wasting the materials and energy that created them. Many of us recycle our plastic
containers at curbside and although this is important, an even better effort is to reduce the amount of plastics we buy and to reuse the items we do buy. Reducing and reusing can divert millions of tons of
garbage from landfills every year. We offer the tips below to inspire
you to reduce, reuse, and trim
plastic from your life.

Reduce and Eliminate

Initial actions you might take:

Refill your household containers

❑ Bring your own cup or thermos
when purchasing beverages away
from home.
❑ Avoid plastic by buying in glass
or metal whenever possible.
❑ Look for items with little or no
❑ Avoid individually wrapped
portions (cheese slices, juice boxes,
❑ Bring your own containers and
bags to stores and refill or reuse
❑ Purchase items in containers that
can be refilled.
❑ Eliminate packaging by buying in
bulk and large containers.
Take these next steps:
❑ Drink filtered tap water. Fill your
own bottles with water, eliminate
waste, and save money.
❑ Buy used items - electronics,
furniture, clothing, bikes, household
❑ Use reusable tableware, plates,
and cloth napkins when hosting a
❑ Refill toner cartridges, pens, and
other office supplies.
❑ Avoid disposable products:
bags, plastic utensils, razors, pens,
lighters, batteries.
❑ Urge your grocery store to carry
products in bulk, or those that have
reduced or recycled packaging.
❑ Ask your nursery if they’ll take
back plastic plant pots.
❑ Choose long-lasting metal or
wood toys and products rather than
❑ Rent items that will only be used
a short time. See if your community
has a tool lending library.
❑ Complete the loop by buying
products made with recycled
materials, such as recycled paper
and glass.
❑ Contact the manufacturer of
products whose packaging isn’t
recyclable and ask them to choose

better packaging.

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