Monday, June 29, 2015

Tiny Homes in Florida!

Tiny Home in Florida.......

  1. Saving money.With less space to heat or cool, your utility bills will be much lower each month. You also have less space to fill with unnecessary or barely used furniture.
  1. Cutting down on debt.Our designs allow you to have either a small mortgage, or none at all. One less expense allows you save more each month to pay off credit cards, student loans, and anything else other homeowners are burdened with.
  1. Maximizing space. No longer will you keep things because you might use it someday; with limited storage, you are required to get rid of whatever doesn’t serve a daily purpose. In addition, everything that is in your humble abode will be useful and functional.
  1. Allowing more spare time.Instead of cleaning all day, it will take you maybe an hour to clean a tiny house. All chores will take less time, leaving more time for fun. This is perfect for someone living alone, or someone who wants to use the space seasonally and doesn’t want to spend longer than necessary maintaining it.
  1. Fostering closeness. Instead of everyone in the family going to separate rooms, small homes allow you to spend more time together. For alone time, family members can go outside as an alternative to sitting in front of the television, or tuck themselves away in their favorite nook or loft.
  1. Experiencing better quality living.Have you always wanted granite counter-tops, but could never afford them? Well, when you only need 4 square feet of counter-top, you can probably afford that granite now! With smaller areas to fill, you can afford the nicer materials.
  1. Leaving less of a carbon foot print.For people who care about the environment and sustainable living, these shipping container homes are the perfect investment. Not only are they built with recycled materials, but the costs of living in them are far less than traditional houses.
People in tiny houses don’t like “stuff.” While these smaller spaces don’t allow for superfluous items, people that live in them treasure their items that they do have even more. When you only have room for a certain number of things, you learn to appreciate what is truly important and necessary while ridding yourself of the junk.
They are for people who don’t have a lot of money.Choosing to live small allows you to save more money each month that would have been spent on rent or utilities. This type of living actually permits for the possibility of a much higher rate of disposable income. Many people feel like they throw money away every month on rent, and wish there was a way to live in a beautiful space without breaking the bank. We give them that opportunity!
They aren’t actual houses.It can be difficult to believe that New Generations can fit all of the amenities necessary for day to day living into our designs, but we can! Air conditioning, electricity, plumbing—even entertainment centers, full kitchens, bathrooms, bedrooms, and more are included!
They can only fit one person.Our designs offer either a 20’ or 40’ container, which is plenty of room for more than one person to live comfortably! While it will take teamwork and patience, there are plenty of families choosing to live small.


The popularity of tiny houses has been growing exponentially here in Florida, and after looking at the benefits, it doesn’t come as much surprise. People all over the world are giving up their 3,000 square foot homes in exchange for these shipping container homes that comes with as little as 100 square feet. 
Many people are under the impression that living small in a tiny house means giving up traditional living comforts, but with a Custom Design, this isn’t the case. We can fit a fridge, cabinets, sinks, drawers, and a two person eating table in the kitchen, as well as a two burner stove and microwave. Living areas can include a wardrobe and sofa beds. An enclosed shower, vanity, mirror, and toilet are included in the bathroom. As Florida residents, we are lucky enough to enjoy beautiful weather all year round!!  

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