Monday, July 6, 2015

Downsizing is Not a Bad Word

Ok, maybe I do have somewhat of an advantage over most people who prepare to live tiny. I grew up traveling wherever my step-father's military orders told us to go. Then, as a military wife, we did the same until right after hurricane Andrew when we became permanent residents in a 2000 SF home. Out of necessity, I learned that packing was much easier when you didn't have so much stuff to pack! Not to mention, enjoying the mental and emotional benefits of not having to keep track of it, organize it and maintain it. I continued this practice, or at least made attempts to, with my four children. So much less stressful than enduring their father's loud demands to "clean up your rooms" and the whining that followed.

We all form emotional attachments to stuff and, often, don't realize it until we face the challenge of parting with it. Downsizing requires us to take a hard look at ourselves as we sort through and either toss or pass stuff on. It may be easy or a bit traumatic. However, the benefits far outweigh what it takes to get through this process.

To being the process of downsizing/decluttering, there are some important questions to ask as you prepare to live tiny.
  1. Am I ready to part with most of my stuff?
  2. How much stuff do I really need to live tiny?
  3. What will I do with my time and money when I have more of it?
Set a time limit for yourself on answering these questions. Maybe a week? Fear is the biggest enemy of moving forward toward your goals. List the reasons you can't, then do it anyway. Don't let mental and physical clutter keep you from a better life, lived tiny. Stronger connection and relationships are one of the benefits you gain. Definitely worth getting rid of some stuff!

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