Thursday, July 30, 2015

Training for Manufactured Construction Program

For those interested getting training in this field. 

What is Manufactured Construction?

  • Manufactured Construction uses processes that are versatile, high-tech, efficient, and sustainable!
  • Sections of buildings are built at a manufacturing facility and then moved and assembled on-site.
  • This industry provides a stable work location for employees, safer working conditions, long-term growth opportunities, and career progression.

What is the Florida TRAMCON Program and What are the Benefits?

  • The TRAMCON Consortium was created to fill the growing demand in the Manufactured Construction industry. The consortium is made up of four public Florida colleges; industry associations; Florida CareerSource workforce investment boards; and local employers.
  • The TRAMCON career pathway includes on-the-job training and 7 nationally recognized trade certificates. The program courses are offered at no cost* to the participants and the program is multi-entry, and multi­exit. Credit for prior learning may also be awarded. Applicants must be at least 18 years old, achieve a 9 on the TABE exam, and be authorized to work in the United States. Priority consideration will be given to TAA certified individuals and veterans.
  • Courses will be offered during the day and evening at the MDC North Campus and at the Associated Builders and Contractors Institute in Doral starting fall of 2015.

What are the Different Paths in the Program Curriculum?

•The four tiers to the program include on-the-job training & seven industry recognized certificates:
  1. MC Foundation Tier - 220 hours:
    OSHA 10Hr Card / MSSC-CPT / NCCER Core
  2. MC Basic Tier - 250 hours +OJT:
    NCCER Manufactured Construction Level 1 (new)
  3. MC Advanced Tier – 260 hours +OJT:
    NCCER Manufactured Construction Level 2 (new)
  4. MC Supervisor Tier – 150 hours:
    OSHA 30-Hr Card / MSSC Green Prod. Certificate
• Participants Can Earn College Credits That May Be:
  • Combined with the online Building Construction Specialist Certificate (starts spring ‘16) at Miami Dade College and applied towards…
  • An Associate or Bachelor Degree in construction management at any public institution in Florida**
  • Participants can earn as much as: (Florida Q1 2015 Construction Manager Wage Estimates)***
  • Entry: $23/hour • Average: $43/hour • Experienced: $53/hour
  • * Costs may be incurred for Books and testing; check with CareerSource South Florida for funding opportunities.
  • ** Check with registrar at individual college for credit hour allowances.
  • *** Data Source: Florida Department of Economic Opportunity.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

7 Reasons to live SMALL!!

7 Reasons to Live Small!!

1. Simplify Your Life

2. A Smaller house = More money in your pocket

Less electricity to heat/cool the house

Less Cleaning Products

Less Maintenance

3. More time FOR YOU!! 

4. Quality Furniture and Decor 

5. Strengthen Ties with Family & Friends

6. Save for College & Retirement

7. More land to grow your Own food 


Thursday, July 23, 2015

Sustainable Materials for Your Tiny Home


Are you going to use Sustainable Materials? 

Putting together the right materials for your tiny home is important.

Imagine how your dream home will look like!! 

As yourself, Am i going to use sustainable materials? 


Eco Village Tiny Home Community

Eco Village Tiny Home Community 

Do you envision yourself living in a place where you can grow your own food? 
Reduce your carbon footprint? 
Live in Community? 
Live debt free? 
Build compassionate relationships?

Join our Facebook Group

Facebook Group

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

South Florida Tiny Home and Partnerships

When beginning in any venture, whether it's a business, social reform or personal improvement, it requires persistence. Like clearing a lot to build a home, there is overgrowth that needs to be thinned out and it's hard work. In pioneering your dream, you will face doubt, opposition, competition and hurdles. The vision and passion are what you must allow to fuel you to proceed regardless of any obstacle. This is our resolute mindset. Tiny homes will emerge in South Florida in the tri-county area and we want you, businesses and volunteers, to partner with us in this new American dream.

We want you to see the vision of vibrant communities and increased annual tourism here in our cities. In order for this to occur, we need local and national businesses to see this opportunity to increase revenue in facilitating others in their dream of living tiny. Look forward to hearing from us. We will be sitting down to have conversations with you.

For those of you who have a tiny home dream or an interest, we ask you to attend our Meetup meetings. They are posted here:

We are asking for people in marketing, building, zoning, landowners, developers or simply a desire to help to attend our next meetup. Now is the time to step in to an emerging opportunity for those of us who call South Florida home.

Join our Facebook Group

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

South Florida Tiny Home Call to Action!

I met with our fearless leader and super-powered woman and mom, Nasly Duarte, last night. We are excited to have decided on our first and most important step towards creating a place for TH owners here in the tri-county area here in South Florida. We are recruiting volunteers to help pioneer with us. If you have time, money, materials, influence or muscles, we need you!

We have decided it's time to build a tiny home so that those interested in living tiny, county officials and the public in general can see what a tiny home looks like. We plan to reach out to local business and individuals to sponsor and donate materials and labor. Those who do this will be listed on our organization's websites and in any public event we sponsor in Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties. We have a wide audience and this would be excellent advertising for you and your companies!

Join us for our next virtual meetup on Google Hangout Thursday, July 16th at 8:30pm. Click on the link below to join us.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Self Sustainability for Tiny Homes in Florida

Earthships are amazing habitations.Even if you choose to build a traditional build in going tiny, you can still incorporate a lot of the features used in earthships that create sustainability.

How to Build a Self-Sustaining Home

Friday, July 10, 2015

South Florida - Let's Build Our Dreams Together

I've been, and I'm sure many others, a bit anxious about how I'm going to get started doing MY TH build with debt tying me to a paycheck to paycheck lifestyle. Just heard this inspiring message from one of my favorite actors. Solidified what I was hearing this morning in the background of my thoughts. Time to help each other build the dreams in our heart. We CAN and WILL do this! Let's begin the groundwork of getting organized and planning our steps. Come join us for our next online virtual meeting.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

South Florida - The Possibilities!

Just saw an amazing TH community in an article from the UK posted on Facebook. I love it! How fun would it be to do this for a vacation home?

The truth is that in thinking about living in a Tiny Home community, there is so much creativity and diversity in how you design it and the cultures you invite. Having a sense of adventure and breaking out of your comfort zone enables you to reap the full benefits of being part of a community. Living in a TH community doesn't mean you won't have your own space and folks always knocking on your door. Everyone is unique. Some love being around people all the time with small pauses to recharge. Others like a more quiet life with the occasional social interaction. We come from different countries, occupations, cultures and generations. However, a whole different perspective comes into view when we open our boundaries to share our time in community with those around us. We learn new skills, develop connection and virtues, such as compassion, understanding and gentleness.

Take some time and write down the TH community you would like to live in. List your hobbies and interests as they will help define where you'd like to live, how you'd like to live and who you'd like for your new neighbors.

5 Tiny Homes you can Purchase right Now!!!

Do you know how much is a Tiny Home?  This link will give you an idea!!  Purchase a Tiny Home   The Traveler  Please read th...