Wednesday, July 22, 2015

South Florida Tiny Home and Partnerships

When beginning in any venture, whether it's a business, social reform or personal improvement, it requires persistence. Like clearing a lot to build a home, there is overgrowth that needs to be thinned out and it's hard work. In pioneering your dream, you will face doubt, opposition, competition and hurdles. The vision and passion are what you must allow to fuel you to proceed regardless of any obstacle. This is our resolute mindset. Tiny homes will emerge in South Florida in the tri-county area and we want you, businesses and volunteers, to partner with us in this new American dream.

We want you to see the vision of vibrant communities and increased annual tourism here in our cities. In order for this to occur, we need local and national businesses to see this opportunity to increase revenue in facilitating others in their dream of living tiny. Look forward to hearing from us. We will be sitting down to have conversations with you.

For those of you who have a tiny home dream or an interest, we ask you to attend our Meetup meetings. They are posted here:

We are asking for people in marketing, building, zoning, landowners, developers or simply a desire to help to attend our next meetup. Now is the time to step in to an emerging opportunity for those of us who call South Florida home.

Join our Facebook Group

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